Rabu, 9 Julai 2014

definition Airport Master Planning....

Master Plan Definition: The airport master plan is the planners concept of the long-term development of an airport. It displays the concept graphically and reports the data and logic upon which the plan is based. Master plans are prepared to support the modernization of existing airports and creation of new airports, regardless of size, complexity, or role.
(This clearly indicates the plan is for airport development. It is silent to retaining the airport as it currently exists. To control airport development for all citizens, not just airport users and businessmen and staff, we must have a good vision and policy statement for the airport or the planners will simply do what the FAA , the airport staff, airport users, and Mr. CEO's bidding. You can modernize an airport without making changes that adversely impact the community if the right direction is provided to the planners.) 

Ahad, 23 Februari 2014

Fact Sheet - IATA Billing and Settlement Plan

Fact Sheet - IATA Billing and Settlement Plan

  • IATA’s Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) is a system designed to facilitate and simplify the selling, reporting and remitting procedures of IATA Accredited Passenger Sales Agents, as well as improve financial control and cash flow of participating airlines 
  • A worldwide system that operates in some 177 countries and territories 
  • In 2012 IATA’s BSP processed $251.8 billion
$ bn
Bad debt
$ m
Bad debt
% sales

BSP Participating Airlines Benefits

  • Access to a global distribution network of IATA accredited travel agents who have signed a single standard Passenger Sales Agency Agreement with IATA 
  • Neutral agent verification services by IATA including financial evaluation and status monitoring 
  • Reliable credit management with a collection rate of 99.976% 
  • Access to IATA’s BSP and BSPlink that together provide a single standard interface for invoicing and payment between agents and airlines 
  • Protection in case of violation of the Passenger Sales Agency Agreement or fraudulent practices

IATA Accredited Travel Agent Benefits

  • Access to more than 240 IATA airline members using a single standard Passenger Sales Agency Agreement.
  • Ability to sell international and/or domestic tickets on behalf of the airlines
  • Access to IATA’s Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP), and BSPlink that together provide a single standard interface for invoicing and payment between the agent and multiple airlines and transport providers
  • Global travel industry recognition through an IATA Numeric Code that provides a unique agent identifier  
  • Global consumer confidence due to recognition of IATA-accredited travel agents meeting industry standards identifiable by the IATA logo and branding displayed on travel agents’ premises and websites
  • Provides standard procedures which ensure fair and uniform standards in all dealings with airlines

Consumer Benefits

  • Confidence that IATA accredited travel agents meet industry standards and financial  criteria 
  • Unbiased advice and the option to purchase tickets on a wide range of airlines through IATA-accredited travel agents
Updated: December 2013



 BSP Link     IATA provides services for the settlement of financial transactions between travel agents and the airlines. This service consolidates the amounts owed by each agent and the amounts due to each airline and enables the settlement to be made through one single financial transfer for each participant.
BSP link is an innovative, internet-based system, which facilitates these interactions and exchanges of information between all participants in the Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP).
  • Easier and faster access to ticketing information, no longer do you have to wait for the distribution of paper outputs.  All the information you need is available 24 hours a day in your office
  • Less filing, all the information you need is electronically stored
  • Reduced printing and mailing costs, transactions are conducted over the internet
  • Less opportunity for errors, automated processes reduce manual errors
  • Easy access to reference data, through electronic document search.

Overview of functionality

  • Easy-to-use functionality to administer ADM/ACM transactions
  • Instantaneous set-up and maintenance of ticketing authorities with immediate messages to CRS
  • On-line authorization of electronic refund application
  • ADM/ACM interface for airlines that already have their own system
  • Auto-completion of ADM/ACM transactions based on data from document enquiry
  • Electronic access to  BSP reports and statistics
  • Communication links to allow airlines to communicate fare or other information to agents via upload by the  BSP office
  • User level control of access levels
  • Secure FTP as alternative file transfer method

Who is it for

  • Agents, Agent Groups, Travel Agent
  • Airlines
  • CRSs, DPCs, BSPs
  • Third Parties
  • Accounts Revenue managers

IATA BSP Consolidator System (IBCS)

IATA BSP Consolidator System (IBCS)

The IATA BSP Consolidator System (IBCS) is a partnership between IATA and General Sales Agents (GSA) organizations that have a global reach, i.e. that are represented in a minimum of 20 BSP markets. The aim of IBCS is to harness the resources of those GSA to facilitate wider participation of all scheduled airlines in the global BSP network, by allowing BSP membership on a variable cost basis.
Historically, on a cost/benefit basis, not all BSPs have been economically attractive to every carrier. BSP costs have typically been lowest when ticket volume is high and considerably more expensive when volumes are small – owing to the fixed costs of joining/running fees that are prorated among BSP member carriers.

An alternative for airlines in marginal markets

The IBCS program provides an opportunity to profitably participate in marginal market BSPs with negligible capital risk. It is especially geared to airlines seeking to develop incremental revenues from those markets, and small and start-up carriers looking to widen their distribution reach at low cost.
This system complements the normal BSP participation model. It allows both large and small carriers with lower volumes in a particular BSP market to gain the benefits of a BSP, but without the comparatively high upfront joining fee. The offset is a higher processing fee for each transaction.
IBCS is a “win-win-win” programme for airlines, the BSPs and the IATA Agents. Find out more by contacting one of the IBCS consolidators below or your local IATA representative.
IBCS consolidators:

How a BSP works

How a BSP works

A BSP is the central point through which data and funds flow between travel agents and airlines. Instead of every agent having an individual relationship with each airline, all of the information is consolidated through the BSP.
Agents make one single payment to the BSP (remittance), covering sales on all BSP Airlines. The BSP makes one consolidated payment to each airline, covering sales made by all agents in the country/region.
Agents are provided with a range of electronic ticket numbers to be used for sales on any airline.

Working processes for Agents

1. Preparation to sell on behalf of airlines

Before an agent can begin selling on behalf of airlines, the following must take place:
  • A range of electronic ticket numbers are assigned to the Agent.
  • The Airline assigns ticketing authority to the Agent to allow issue of ETs.
  • Agents need to have access to an IATA-approved ticketing system such as a Global Distribution System (GDS).

2. Reporting by Agents

The agent reports all sales and refunds at the end of the reporting period. This is done electronically, through BSPlink. All transactions are forwarded to a central BSP Data Processing Centre (DPC).

3. Processing by BSP

The Data Processing Centre:
  • Captures the tickets and refunds information from data files that have been transmitted by the GDS/ticketing system or other automated system such as BSPlink.
  • Processes all relevant data and produce an “Agents Billing Analysis” for each agent. This analysis is compiled from the information of one or more reporting periods.
  • Forwards a statement of sales made by Agents to each BSP Airline. This statement is compiled from the information of one or more reporting periods.
  • Monitors ET ranges and provide replenishment as necessary.

4. Payment

The Agent makes just one net remittance covering all its BSP transactions for that period for all BSP Airlines. The BSP preferred method of payment is by direct debit.

5. Follow up by Airlines

The accounting department of each airline audits incoming data and addresses debit/credit accounting memoranda (ADM/ACM) to agents as necessary.

IATA---> Billing and SettlementPlan (BSP)

Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP)

BSP is a system designed to facilitate and simplify the selling, reporting and remitting procedures of IATA Accredited Passenger Sales Agents, as well as improve financial control and cash flow for BSP Airlines.
A truly worldwide system: at the close of 2013, there were 88 BSPs, covering 179 countries and territories serving about 400 airlines, while gross sales processed amounted to USD 259 billion. 
New BSP Rwanda was implemented in 2013.

Benefits of a BSP


  • Agents issue one sales report and remit one amount to a central point
  • Airlines receive one settlement covering all agents
  • Simplifies and reduces work through the use of electronic ticketing on behalf of all BSP Airlines
  • Agents’ sales are reported electronically


  • Less resources required for billing and collection
  • Electronic distribution of billing reports, and generation of debit/credit memos (ADMs/ACMs) via BSPlink

Enhanced Control

  • Increased financial control thanks to centralization and grouping
  • Consolidated document flow, permitting accelerated quality controls
  • Overall process monitoring by a neutral body

Participation in a BSP


Participation in a BSP is open to all airlines (IATA members and non-members) serving the country or area concerned. 

IATA Accredited Agents

All IATA Accredited Agents in the BSP country of operation are automatically eligible for participation in a BSP. When a new BSP commences operations in a country, all Agents are notified by IATA and invited to participate.

General Sales Agents (GSAs) and Airport Handling Agents (AHA)

GSAs and AHAs may participate in a BSP (in the same way as Accredited Agents), on nomination by the airline they represent, and subject to the airline entering into a standard agreement.
To obtain the local participation criteria and conditions, please contact  customer service for your region

Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP)

From Wikipedia ..
Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) (also known as "Bank Settlement Plan") is an electronic billing system designed to facilitate the flow of data and funds between travel agencies and airlines. The advantage of such an intermediary organization is that instead of each travel agency having an individual relationship with each airline, all of the information is consolidated through the BSP.
BSP's are organized on a local basis, usually one per country. However there are some BSP's which cover more than one country (for example the Nordics). The International Air Transport Association states that at the close of 2009, there were 86 BSP's covering more than 160 countries worldwide, while at the close of 2011, there were 88 BSPs, covering 176 countries and territories serving about 400 airlines, with gross sales processed amounting to USD 249 billion.[1]
Travel agents (TA) are usually required to be accredited by either Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC), when they are located in the US, or BSP outside of the US, in order to issue airline reservations through GDS